I believe that each special Mother out there deserves more than just one hallmark holiday, "Mother's Day," for us all to say thank you to our Moms and buy them a nice gift or take them out to eat... We should appreciate these amazing women more than just ONCE a year! I know I say "Thank You" as much as possible to my Mother and I tell her everyday I love her... I am truly blessed with an amazing, strong, supportive, loyal, caring Mother and I would not trade her for the world. She is my heart and she has been there for me more than anyone else in my life. I admire her for where she's been, where's she going and who she is for so many different reasons. She has taught me so many things in life and I would not be where I am today without her love, advice and support. I am also very lucky to have her acceptance and support of who I married- makes me wonder who she loves more! She is the ROCK of our entire family and we are all so blessed :)
So Mom, THANK YOU and
Mother and I on my Wedding Day |
Like Mother, Like Daughter :] |
Mother and I when I was a baby |